Sunday, 11 January 2015

Back to the cities

It's been an adventure to say the least. One that has been completely worth it simply for the experience. Here we are inside an unassuming building that holds a stately type of courtyard with pool. The rooms are large and comfortable and the coffee is excellent. Hotel Comerico is a lovely find in Curico.  The days are starting to blend together and I am feeling the anxiety to get home but I have seen so much in the way of unconventional beauty. I am just thankful for this time. As a mom, I wish my kids would have wanted to spend this time with us. But it is what it ... I hope they have their own experiences one day.
We  have decided to return to Santiago a day early. The little Spark is sounding like it needs a tuneup and honestly I think we are both just tired of the endless road. 
Heres what I have learned about Chile.  The people here are warm and quick to laugh. They have their own time that makes my Indian and island time look like a joke.  I can guarantee that thi will cause the most anxiety for someone thats used to time watching.  Just sit. Noones going anywhere until they absolutely have to. And even then, it might take another half hour. Time stopped somewhere at the airport.. just get used to it.  I am actully thankful that I forgot my watch, otherwise this would have plagued me the entire trip.
I appreciate that the western mentality of 'more is more' is mostly lacking here. Yes they have their1%. But for the most part people are just happy to live.
Things that sadden me.  The dogs of course, so many unspayed, unneutered. Its not just that they end up being left to the wayside, its the effect their mass numbers have on the indigenous faunae.  Chile has an array of animals that are all on the list of being in danger of extinction.
Another huge disappointment is the foothold companies like coke and nestle have established. My fear is that it wont be long before Walmart and other giants rear their heads instead of hiding under othr company names. In the wrong hands Chile has the potential to morph into Mexico with its refuse and extreme levels of class division.
Billboards and advertising.  Each one is a shrine to Western ideals of beauty.  I could go on about this one but I won't.
There's a serious shortage of llamas, does Peru have the franchise rights on these suckers? I have seen one and he was the watch llama for a bunch of hillcleaning goats.
Warm milk... never gonna get used to that and my stomach cant handle any more bland food.

What I have loved about Chile. The family unit is strong. There are no roles seemingly in place. Both parents are caregivers and children take care of each other.  The elderly are with their families and each town feels like a larger variation of family. Culture is strong and alive.
There are limited bugs! I have seen one spider the entire time we have been here. That doesnt mean they arent here, they just get their food elsewhere.  I have been bit once. No idea what by, just that it caused a alot of misery until my allergy pill kicked in.
No lizards... this actually confuses me, I was expecting something lizard like.. nada.
Fresh avocados..every store.. everywhere.
How clean it is.. even for a depressed society.  They still continue to clean their towns, pick up the refuse and deal with it. Ignore the grafitti, these are social statements and signs of awakening minds. White washing the walls doesnt making a place better.
The art, the graffiti and pure beauty of what the Chilean people do with what they have.  It doesnt feel like anyone is doing without. The waiters will feed the homeless, human or animals.
In Ancun we walked by a tribute to six fallen firefighters.  The town included plaques labelled in braille.  This inclusivity is every where in Chile.
Old is good.. old is beginings.  You get the respect that people have for everything old. From their elders to the forests that they regulary reseed. They understand the need to keep the old in order to continue the new.

Eco awareness... Im pretty sure they get that they are the guardians of their food, their flora and faunae. Chiloe was a wonderful example of ecotourism and how they are 9reserving not just the animals breeding grounds but their on livelyhood. 

Anyways... I am pretty sure this is longwinded  enough.
Next time I will just post pictures.

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